Hi there!

I am Wee Chi

I am a mother of three beautiful kids. My youngest is already a teen and 2 older kids are young adult now.

I have been through major issues for the past few years. I am happy and glad that my family did not fall apart. I have been able to stay optimistic and get everyone together and did not slip into a depression. After what I have been through, I want to help women who are going tough times to pull together and bounce back better.

I am willing to be a listening ear for anyone who needs a stranger to talk to. I have also come up with some materials to help women to bounce back better.

MaMa's Might Kiddies

Awards & Recognitions


What people say

"I have never seen someone who is as strong as Wee Chi. She is able to handle some many stuff at the same time and still stay optimistic and happy"


Joyce Chua


"Really cannot imagine what Wee Chi has gone through. I really admire her courage and strength."


Esther Chua

Social Worker

"Believe in the process like how Wee Chi has believe. With her strength she inhibited, her kids are just as strong as her. "


Zhu Rong

Social Worker

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